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Construction Site Security

Designed Video Surveillance in Construction Site Security

With our decades of experience working on job sites, no one has to tell Power Plus Designed Video Surveillance how monumental a job it is for you to manage your construction site. Constantly meeting deadlines, tracking materials and equipment, managing your crew and teams, keeping the project moving smoothly — you have a massive, time-consuming responsibility. 

The last thing you have time to worry about is stolen equipment, vandalism, graffiti, or unauthorized access to your worksite. Not to mention construction site accidents, workers’ compensation claims, and liability lawsuits. 

While these issues are unfortunately more common than anyone wants, there’s a fantastic solution — a Power Plus DVS system.

Custom designed specifically for your construction site, our approach to video surveillance provides proactive prevention to deter construction site theft, and state-of-the-art technology that captures powerful video evidence 24/7. Exactly the kind of irrefutable video proof you need to protect yourself against frivolous lawsuits and insurance claims. 

Security is a big, important job. But one you don’t actually have to handle alone — one call to Power Plus and we’ll take care of securing your job site like never before. In this Power Blog, we discuss why video surveillance is so crucial for your construction site security. And why Power Plus DVS is always your best option. 

Enhancing Job Site Security and Safety

Visit the job sites of other construction companies and you’re bound to find a variety of security measures being used — fences, locked gates, the ubiquitous "Keep Out / Private Property" signs, and, quite often, live security guards. All of which can play a role in a construction site’s security. But, let’s be honest, all suffer inherent weaknesses.  

Thieves and vandals can jump over fences. Bolt cutters never met a lock they didn’t like. “Keep Out” signs are too easy to ignore. And security guards – okay, we gotta discuss the realities of security guards – they’re famous for falling asleep, taking extended “lunch” and bathroom breaks, and spending more time on their phones than walking your property.

On the flip side, addressing the issues of these security approaches is where Power Plus Designed Video Surveillance shines. 

Unlike traditional security measures, Power Plus is Always On. Providing round-the-clock seamless service, we’re always engaged and active, always paying attention, and always equipped with the latest technology to proactively prevent unauthorized access to your property. 

Power Plus DVS also helps make your job site a safer work environment. Knowing that our live-monitoring team is always watching and recording everything 24/7, your employees and subcontractors tend to be more compliant with safety rules. Accidents mysteriously go down, incident reports thankfully grow rare, and headaches start to disappear. 

Of course, we’re talking in broad strokes. Truth is, no two job sites are the same. So risks and potential danger are always different, too. A video surveillance plan custom designed for your project is the only way to ensure the most comprehensive protection.

Custom Designed Video Surveillance Solutions

Your construction site is unlike any other — in size, location, timeline, equipment, crew, and any other job specific needs it calls for. Which is exactly why the “one-size-fits-all” surveillance packages most other providers offer won’t deliver the effective construction site security you need. 

Naturally, not a lot of thought goes into using those generic approaches. But “not thinking about it” goes 100% against our nature at Power Plus. 

In fact, at Power Plus DVS, the foundation for your optimum security is a surveillance package we tailor specifically to the unique specs of your job site. Which does take a little more thought and effort on our part. But in the end, keeps you a lot more secure. And, frankly, just makes too much sense. 

We start by asking you questions and walking your job site. We identify any natural strengths and vulnerabilities of your property. Then we design a surveillance plan for the absolute best coverage — using all the surveillance cameras and tech you need and nothing you don’t.

We’ll even integrate cameras you already have installed into your current security plan. If we have access to power, we’ll use pole-mounted wire systems. And if power isn’t available, we’ll use solar solutions. We even have mobile surveillance trailers to deploy if your site progresses quickly and your security needs move around frequently. 

Trust us, your Power Plus DVS security package will be unlike any we’ve designed before, because your construction site is unlike any we’ve protected before. But it’ll all be worth that little extra effort — for you and us. 

Key Features of Effective Construction Site Security Cameras

Only state-of-the art construction site security cameras will do on a Power Plus DVS package. Here’s what makes them so great:

24/7 Live Property Monitoring

Continuous, 24/7 live-monitoring – especially during off-hours – reduces false alarms, while delivering the most-immediate response times to any security breaches. Unlike competitors who outsource monitoring, our 100% U.S.-based team of experts handles everything – here in the United States – ensuring the highest-quality service and reliability.

License Plate Readers

Cameras with license plate recognition technology can track every vehicle entering and leaving your property at speeds up to 70 mph. Operating at 60 frames per second, these cameras capture perfectly readable images of every character on every license plate.

Real-Time Alerts and Actions

Leading-edge analytical software proactively detects visual anomalies and instantly alerts our 100% U.S.-based, live-monitoring team, who react within 4 to 6 seconds — proactively deterring any intruder and contacting your local authorities when necessary. 

Solar Capabilities

Power is our first name, so when your job site lacks power – especially in the early stages of construction – Power Plus always has a solution. Using either our mobile surveillance trailers, video pole mounts equipped with solar power capability, or both, we ensure uninterrupted 24/7 surveillance — even during power outages.

Lighting Capabilities

While traditional light towers are costly, Power Plus has developed a more efficient option — high-powered quartz, halogen, and LED lighting platforms. All of which can be installed on temporary power poles to provide ample illumination and a powerful deterrent against potential thieves.

Real-Time Monitoring for Proactive Protection

Effective video surveillance entails more than simply recording footage to review after an incident has occurred. Real-time, live monitoring plays a crucial role in how we proactively prevent most of those incidents from even happening.

For any threat detected by our analytical software, our live-monitoring experts are alerted within 4 to 6 seconds. Then act almost as quickly to prevent a property breach or costly damage. Active measures our team uses include:

  • Triggering alarm systems
  • Turning on or strobing lights
  • Talking or yelling over “Talk Down” speakers
  • But real-time monitoring empowers your team, too.

Imagine a scenario in which one of your supervisors – who is offsite – needs to check on the job’s progress or evaluate something before your team moves forward. Using the Power Plus DVS mobile app with real-time monitoring, that supervisor can see everything our cameras see, allowing him to check the status of things and manage your team and project.

Power Plus DVS Options

Designing a video surveillance system specifically for you requires a flexible variety of resources to meet whatever needs you have. Some of the options that allow us to customize your Power Plus DVS package include mobile trailers and our unique go-anywhere, “Medium Pizza” pole mounts. 

The Mobile Surveillance Trailer

As your job progresses and moves, your security needs likely will, too. Our mobile surveillance trailers adapt easily, moving wherever your security needs do, and ensure continuous coverage and seamless security. Robust, solar-powered, and aesthetically pleasing, they also maintain the professional look of your site — and your security. 

“Medium Pizza” Pole Mounts

Ideal for remote and small space limitations – including those that even our Mobile Trailers can’t fit into – our 10-inch “Medium Pizza” sized base fits anywhere. So any of our camera types can go anywhere, see anything, and protect everything. 

Five Reasons to Partner with Power Plus DVS

Of all the advantages of choosing Power Plus Designed Video Surveillance for your construction site security, these 5 top almost everyone’s list:

  • Custom Designed Solutions: We design plans to specifically address the unique risks and challenges of your construction job site for optimal security. 
  • 100% U.S.-Based: Power Plus DVS is the ONLY video security option whose entire operation, including live-monitoring, is based in the United States. 
  • Dedicated Customer Service: As a Power Plus DVS customer, you’ll get a dedicated service representative to ensure seamless, “single-point-of-contact” communication. 
  • Decades of Expertise: Our professional team of experts brings extensive construction site security experience to every project, providing invaluable insights and strategies.
Comprehensive Coverage: Power Plus DVS plans always cover every aspect of your job site, foreseeing and preventing the pitfalls that cookie-cutter solutions don’t address.

Secure Your Construction Site with Power Plus DVS

Powered by our advanced technology and dedicated, professional team, Power Plus Designed Video Surveillance is Always On — always watching, always delivering, always keeping you, your team, and your property safe. 

To talk to a Power Plus DVS representative about making us your security partner, or to learn even more about how we can keep your construction site secure, visit us at Power Plus Designed Video Surveillance. 

Thanks for reading. 

As always,


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