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Generator Installation

Critical Power & Commercial Backup Generator Installation

Generator Sales · Generator Rental · Commercial Generator Installation and Service

Generator Sales and Commercial Generator Installation

Design Build – Permanent Generator Installation

Let the experts at Power Plus help you with your next critical power application. We solve three key problems for our customers in these areas:

  • Consultation, conceptual design and architectural engineering
  • Identification and procurement of the right equipment (regardless of manufacturer) for the project
  • Permit management, equipment installation and start-up of the back-up power system

The successful installation of a critical power system starts with a solid plan and design. From Air Quality Management district requirements to local and regional municipal codes, there are numerous ways an installation project can get off-track and cause delays and extra charges. We have the team and experience to help bring the design and plan to reality, minimizing delays and costly additional charges. At Power Plus, we provide you with much more than just a piece of equipment.

We work in most U.S. markets and have partnered with some of the most accomplished construction, engineering and electrical contracting firms in the country. Our vast network of professionals combined with world-class products allows us to provide turnkey solutions. Power Plus knows generators, but more importantly, we also understand the complexities of installing generators. There are many things to consider when installing a generator and having the right partner can save you considerable time, expense and headache.

When the project begins we work with the site contacts, secure the permits and coordinate the installation, logistics, start up and commissioning, seamlessly integrating a total solution. Anyone can just provide equipment, but at Power Plus we provide a full turnkey service that provides our customers with a value unmatched in the industry.

Life Cycle of a Generator Installation

1. Consult – Define Needs and Goals

It all starts here with gaining a solid understanding of the clients’ needs and goals of their back-up power system. Too often, these important fact finding missions are glossed-over and the result can be one that doesn’t meet the client’s needs or has significant delays and/or change orders. Your power partner should be able to ask the right questions to help the client identify their needs and goals.

Power Plus services and maintains over 10,000 generators across the country and have seen the vast differences of well thought-out generator installs vs poor ones. We help guide our clients in the right direction.

Life Cycle of a Generator Installation

1. Consult – Define Needs and Goals

It all starts here with gaining a solid understanding of the clients’ needs and goals of their back-up power system. Too often, these important fact finding missions are glossed-over and the result can be one that doesn’t meet the client’s needs or has significant delays and/or change orders. Your power partner should be able to ask the right questions to help the client identify their needs and goals.

Power Plus services and maintains over 10,000 generators across the country and have seen the vast differences of well thought-out generator installs vs poor ones. We help guide our clients in the right direction.

2. Conceptual Design & Considerations

Once the needs and goals are defined we develop the conceptual design of the back-up power system. There are a variety of technical and budgeting considerations that not all power partners will think about. Some of these include:

  • Understanding how the generator placement/location impacts overall cost.
  • What fuel source (nat. gas, diesel, propane, hydrogen, bio & alternative fuels) best fits with the customer’s application requirements?
  • How to support load demands of both linear (motors, pumps, HVAC, etc.) and non-linear (VFD motors, UPS systems, etc.)
  • Air Quality Regulations – city and state specific. Will the generator be near any “sensitive receptors” that have more strict emissions limitations?
  • Aesthetics of where the generator will be installed and any municipal or city requirements of shade structures (screening) or other requirements
  • Noise levels – many Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) are imposing stricter noise limits at nearest property lines.
  • Which generator manufacturer is the best fit for the application requirements?

3. Architectural & Engineering

From the Conceptual Design, prepare the submittal package that illustrates the design & requirements set by the local AHJ. This package generally includes:

  • Architectural
  • Civil
  • Structural
  • Electrical
  • Mechanical
  • Planning/zoning

These finalized plan sets are customer owned, regardless of whether Power Plus performs the installation or not.

This A & E package can also be customer provided

4. Submit Designs to Authorities Having Jurisidiction For Approval

Chaperone the submittal package through the multiple stages of the approval process within the AHJ.

  • Planning
  • Zoning
  • Electrical
  • Structural
  • Civil
  • Mechanical
  • Fire
  • Building

5. Permit Management

We will process the plan check fees, submittal fees, and final permit cost on behalf of the customer.

6. Equipment Procurement

There are a wide range of critical power systems and manufacturers on the market each with their own positives and negatives.

Power Plus takes a brand-agnostic approach and makes recommendations based on the client’s needs and our years of experience with various equipment manufacturers.

In addition to relationships with OEM’s, we also regularly engage non-OEM supplier that have new and reconditioned equipment in stock.

7. Installation, Start-Up, Commissioning & Testing

Installation – provide and manage the construction schedule, coordinate local AHJ & third-party inspections, manage/coordinate our teams and other trades, maintain quality control, communicate progress.

Start-Up – After final AHJ approval, qualified personnel will perform initial start up and confirm proper operation of “the system”.

Commissioning – Programming the ATS, verifying communication, exercise schedule, etc.

Testing – All electrical components and operation characteristics meet local AHJ requirements.

Power Plus can work in conjunction with the customer, if they choose to fulfill any of the SOW themselves.

8. On-Site Training, Warranty & Close-Out Package

On-Site Training – Basic operations of the back-up power system and its components.

Warranty – After start-up & commissioning, process paperwork with the equipment manufacturers.

Close-Out Package – Final document package that includes the original approved plans, permits, signed-off inspections, construction photos, warranty paperwork and any other pertinent documentation.

Conceptual Design & Architectural Engineering

It begins with permitting and understanding the municipal codes in your area, and continues with site surveys, application engineering, product selection and installation. Power Plus provides an integrated seamless solution for generator installation.

Our team has the expertise that is required in selecting a system that meets the stringent requirements of the EPA and local municipal codes. By using an expert in the generator business you can be assured that you are getting the right product for the right application.

Equipment Procurement

Power Plus has purchased and installed generators from CAT, Cummins, Kohler, Generac, Blue Star, and others. Every brand has their own attributes that make them better for some applications and less so for others.

  • We are “brand-agnostic” when making procurement choices or recommendations for our customers. Our goal is to provide the correct equipment based on its intended use.
  • Those who represent only one or two brands are going to push the closest generator they have in their line-up versus providing the best unit for the application.
  • Our team considers all of the requirements necessary in equipment selection and commercial generator installation including tier requirements, sound attenuation, enclosure design, rigging, permits and fuel tank requirements. We match the equipment with the application to ensure you are getting the right product at the right price with a professional installation.

Turnkey Equipment Installation

Once design and engineering are complete, we coordinate and schedule the plan for installing the equipment and meeting the various local requirements. At this stage we are helping customers with permitting, air district compliance requirements, municipal or other Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) requirements.

Depending on your city and state, permits, engineering submittals, Air District requirements, are obstacles that are all too real and that can cause significant delays, additional cost and frustration. Power Plus has a broad range of experience having sold and/or installed back-up power equipment in 33 states.

See Our Work

Equipment Sales

Power Plus has access to a wide range of power products and manufacturers to meet most customer requirements.

Standby & Portable Generators of All Sizes
As in integrator of generator solutions Power Plus represents some of the leading equipment in the industry

ATS’s, MTS’s and Switchgear
Portable Generator Docking Stations, Appleton’s and Fuel Systems

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