Commercial Real Estate Security

Even during business hours, criminals and vagrants are becoming more and more brazen around thriving commercial properties. Shoplifting, loitering, breaking in, starting dumpster fires, making customers uncomfortable — it’s happening everywhere. Power Plus DVS will design a commercial property security plan specifically for your building security.

Commercial Real Estate Security Cameras

Thriving Commercial Properties

Our comprehensive security system will monitor every vulnerable area of your space, inside and out, with state-of-the art surveillance cameras and alarm systems. And using advanced analytical software that detects unusual human movement and patterns, our 100% U.S.-based live-monitoring team will keep an eye on every move people make — or don’t make in the case of unwanted loiterers.

Unoccupied Commercial Properties

The threat for unoccupied commercial spaces and restricted areas is even higher. Transients love them. The lack of authorized people or regular activity make your empty property an easy target. More than monitoring everything, Power Plus DVS professionals will use “Talk Down” speakers – live in real-time – to actively scare trespassers away, preventing more than 97% of unwanted visitors from ever entering your property.

Not only do our proactive security measures deter squatters from occupying and defacing your property, our proven methods also prevent thieves from stealing valuable fixtures, copper wiring, and any furniture or equipment you’re storing in your vacant building. Our tactics work just as effectively on would-be vandals and graffiti artists, keeping them from causing property damage that not only costs a lot of time and money to repair, but degrades the value of your property and its reputation.

Power Plus DVS protection for commercial properties includes:

  • Fixed Cameras
  • PTZ Cameras
  • Live “Talk Down” Speakers
  • Advanced Analytical Software
  • 24/7 Live Monitoring